Partly Cloudy with Intermittent Rain Showers

It’s Sunday afternoon and my wife and I just got back from moving my daughter and son in law to Dallas. We drove for two really long days, with three cars full of everything they owned (fortunately it fit, but barely). The drive alone was stressful and tiring. Moving boxes in the heat and humidity of a hot Texas day was exhausting. There were a lot of small disagreements on what goes where and the order in which we do things. No big arguments, just trying to work through a difficult move. In the back of my mind all weekend were several things at work which are stressful, as well some serious health issues with some older family members I’m dealing with. We were coming to grips with the separation from each other becoming a reality and feeling the emotions of it all. While struggling through it, I was too silent, and very obvious with my lack of sensitivity and empathy. My bad attitude was making things worse, as it always does.  

Then it the midst of me lacking patience, kindness, self-control and love for others, the Spirit brought to mind a passage of Scripture that has become one of my favorites to ponder. In fact, if we get to watch the videos of Biblical history while we are in heaven, this is one I’m really looking forward to. 

While on a boat out at sea with the disciples, a storm comes without notice and becomes so devastating that the disciples think they are about to lose their lives. While the storm rages, Jesus is summoned to the deck and … wait for it … He commands the wind and the sea. Okay, now we know the story, so we saw it coming, but let’s really consider the power of Jesus. The wind and the sea are tossing them all around and Jesus comes out on deck and literally says “ssshhhh”. The wind and the sea obey His command. All at once it was calm. All at once the disciples were safe. All at once, they realized Jesus was in total control.

It wasn’t even a storm I was in. More aptly it could be described as partly cloudy with intermittent rain showers. Just a hand full of small trials building this underlying frustration and stress resulting in a complete lack of the fruit of the Spirit. My self-centeredness took over because things weren’t exactly as I wanted them.

You would think I would know better by now. But I suppose that’s why we need to continually renew our mind in Scripture. So here I am, aware of my weakness again, and reminded of the comfort and joy that only comes in trusting God alone.


Don Hamilton, Men’s Ministry Coordinator


Crossroads Institute: Romans


Crossroads Institute: Acts